Living Water for Lenya (LWFK)
Needs as of 12-6-2021
Living Water for Kenya (LWFK)
Needs as of 12-6-2021
Security Guard (12 mo @ $32/mo) $378.00
In Kenya security is a real issue. The effects of poverty are heavy. If a person leaves his home for a week, he is apt to return to find nothing left. Having a security guard at this church is a must.
Sound and Music Equipment $1,100.00
The people attending church are asking for a PA system and musical instruments. Even though their request is for a lot more than listed in this budget, I believe that this amount will provide satisfactory equipment.
Paint signs on the New Building $409.50
We hope to provide signage soon, as it is clearly needed.
Kenya Faith Community Church (Ebuwahi)
Total $6,978
Mercy Preschool
This preschool is located in a very rural area, several miles outside of Kakamega. It was originally started by the local parents because there was no preschool in the area for their children to attend. Since we have been working with them, conditions have improved greatly. We recently purchased the property, which includes a significant building. The land includes sufficient space for the children to play, and enough space for the installation of a kitchen and new toilet facilities.
New Kitchen with cooking pots $600.00
Currently, this school has no official kitchen. In Kenya, a kitchen is often just three walls made of mud, with a roof to protect the cook from both the sun and the rain. Each child attending the school is fed one good meal a day. It is now a priority to install, as soon as possible, a reasonably decent kitchen.
Identification Sign $100
This school needs signage in order to comply with government regulations, and for its identity to be visible.
Repainting and Repairing the Building $400
The building has been neglected for a long time. Now that we own the building, a high priority will be to make it secure and clean.
Blessed to Bless Academy
Land Parcel 1 $11,287.50
Land Parcel 2 $9,187.50
The detail above is a drawing of the property on which both the Blessed to Bless Academy and the Blessed to Bless Preschool currently sit. The property is limited with respect to the amount of playground area that is available for the children. Within the immediate vicinity are two parcels of land which, if acquired, would greatly improve the existing academic facilities. Until recently, the owner of Parcel 1 has been unwilling to sell. It is our understanding, however, that he is now willing to sell us the portion of his land which is adjacent to our existing playground. That would be a very good acquisition.
With respect to Parcel 2, the owner is willing to sell. However, the parcel is smaller than Parcel 1. If possible, we would like to acquire both parcels.
Sidewalk Extension near Classrooms 4 & 5 $250.00
This is a small project, but its need is for safety, particularly during one of the two rainy seasons that this area regularly experiences. This short stretch of walkway, when combined with the outdoor eating project, will be a meaningful addition to the ease and safety of movement on the campus.
Outdoor Eating Area
in front of Classrooms 6, 7 & 8 $6,708.50
Currently there is no shelter from either the equatorial sun or tropical rains where the children can take refuge. They usually eat their lunch meals either sitting on the ground, or in the classrooms.
This structure will be a welcome, and greatly appreciated, addition to the Academy.
Kitchen $1,195.00
The current kitchen facility at Blessed to Bless Academy is more of a food preparation and food serving area than it is a cooking station. Cooking usually takes place in an adjacent outside area.
The proposed improvements include: the installation of a new ceiling with upgraded lighting, the installation of an electric refrigerator, and the installation of a 4-burner propane cook top.
Firewood Storage Structure $540.00
Currently, firewood is kept in a secure storage room between classrooms 3 and 4. The room, which is a long way from the kitchen, would be better used to store supplies. A better alternative is storing the firewood in a structure that can be built close to the base of the water tower. Firewood, which is easily the subject of theft, needs to be stored in a secure, dry location.
New Teacher Workroom next to the
School Office $19,060.00
With the completion of classroom for all eight grades, the original teachers’ workroom is now far too small. This new building will provide the teachers an efficient facility in which to prepare for their teaching assignments.
New Ceilings, Lighting, and Fans
in Classrooms 1, 2 & 3 $6,800.00
The original ceilings have stains from roof leaks that have been repaired. The lighting consists of a single ceiling bulb in the middle of each room.
This project will replace the ceilings with better quality ceilings, add new modern LED tube lighting, and add ceiling fans like the ones that exist in the other classrooms.
New Ceilings, and Lighting in
Existing Office and Workroom $2,530.00
The original ceilings have stains from roof leaks that have been repaired. The lighting consists of a single ceiling bulb in the middle of each room.
This project will replace the ceilings with better quality ceilings and add new modern LED tube lighting, like the ones that exist in the other classrooms.
Office Equipment $300.00
Sewing Programs (two sites)
We have two sewing centers that teach women tailoring skills, so they can earn money for their families. Between the two schools, we anticipate 15 graduating students each year. It is our goal to present each graduate with a sewing machine and some sewing supplies upon graduation. A grant to fund these items for the graduating students will cost $200 per graduate. PROGRAM
Sewing Program (2 sites) Total $3,000.00/yr
Widows Programs (two sites)
Our Widows’ Program meets regularly for encouragement and fellowship. There are two growing seasons in Kenya. Twice a year we provide the widows with fertilizer and maze (corn) seed to plant. They are to return 10% of their harvest to provide food for the children in their local schools. This has been a very successful program that shows them how to serve Christ by serving others.
Fertilizer @ 220 shillings each x 2 times per year x 65 participants = per year. 28,600 KES
Maize Seed @ 350 shillings each x 2 times per year x 65 participants = 45,500 KES per year.